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Abundance In Giving

At Kingo we believe that:

  • God owns everything.

  • God gives abundantly.

  • Trusting in God's goodness, we share all that we have been given.

  • As resources circulate in the community and world, God's blessings are recycled to create more blessings.


This applies to everything - whether we're sharing God's word, our building, or individual time and resources, blessings multiply when we recirculate all that we've been given, again and again offering blessings to all who receive them.


If you are part of the Kingo community in any way (attending worship regularly, part of a group that meets here, etc.), please consider giving regularly so we can continue to be a place of healing and wholeness in the community.


Text to Give now available! 

Simply text the amount you wish to give to 844.499.3883. 


Or click the button below to give online.


"A gift is a gift no matter the size."
Thank you for your 

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